the kentish voice

A monthly "Coffee Table" publication that brings local news, views & events to local residents & connects them with the advertisers who provide goods and services in Kentish.

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the kentish voice Is A "Coffee Table" Publication

The Kentish Voice is a “Coffee Table” publication rather than a newspaper in the strictest sense. Our readers tend to keep their most recent copy of The Kentish Voice at hand as a ready reference when they need goods or services provided locally. The support of advertisers makes it possible for us to distribute 2700 copies of our monthly publication to the residents of Kentish, serving over 6000 residents; and published on-line for those who have connections with Kentish, or intend to move to Kentish.

Our aims as a community publication are threefold

Our first purpose is to connect the residents of Kentish with the businesses that service their needs in their municipality, together with the local facilities, and services that are available to make their life in Kentish work for them.

Our second, though equal purpose, is to provide an effective advertising medium for businesses that service the residents and businesses of Kentish with goods or services, and at a cost that is affordable. More customers make a business more resilient and more profitable. We aim to bring you these customers who will provide you with a loyal source of ongoing custom in return for your quality goods and services. We provide you with the opportunity to provide appropriate articles to support your advertising whenever you have a special event or service or product that would be beneficial to our readers. We invite you to submit articles for consideration and placement to compliment your advertisement. As there is no charge for this service, we cannot guarantee that the space can be provided. Pad advertisements, or advertorials, do take precedence over unpaid support articles. Our readers actively support our advertisers as they want to have access to the goods and services provided by your business, as you are either local or service the Kentish region. Your business success means that you wit continue to provide that ongoing service.

Our third yet equal purpose is to promote local events and activities to engage our local readers in their community, provide local news and stones together with regular features of interest to a wide variety of readers, and to provide our readers with a forum to air their views on local issues if they so choose. These features make The Kentish Voice readable rather than Just an advertising medium, and keeps readers engaged with their community.

We hope that you will join us in a mutually beneficial future for Kentish & your business.

Lesley & Doug Begg

Serving over 6000 residents in Kentish
Community garden 2

Steam Punk @ Steamfest

Roland mural

Welcome to Kentish signs