A Monthly "Coffee Table" Publication

That brings local news, views & events to local residents & connects them with the advertisers who provide goods and services in Kentish.

Supply of Editorial Material

Microsoft Word Files or PDF’s are accepted for all editorial content and images may be sent separately as image files.

Editorial material can be sent by email to editor@thekentishvoice.com.au

We prefer not to edit editorial contributions and will only do so if there is insufficient space to include in an appropriate or requested edition.

Date for Editorial Submissions

Editorial submissions are requested to be forwarded to editor@thekentishvoice.com.au by 20th of each month for the edition to be delivered for the following month.

Preferences Given

Preference is given to editorial relevant to Kentish residents in the following order:

  • Editorial provided with an accompanying advertisement.
  • Editorial that is date sensitive or relevant to timely distribution;
  • Editorial of an informative nature that may have relevance to Kentish residents.

For any requests for editorial space please contact us

Serving over 6000 residents in Kentish
Ludo & Pedro

Sheffield in Lights

SteamFest Photo 1

Community garden 3